Anushka Shetty who enthralled the audiences with her performance in ‘Arundathi’ is now focusing on heroine-centric films. If sources are to be believed, Anushka is all set to act in a historic movie which will be based on life of dynamic ‘Rani Rudramadevi’ . Ace Director Gunasekhar is likely to direct the film. It is learnt that Gunasekhar after the mega flop of ‘Varudu’ at box-office is keen to prove himself with this new platform. It is also learnt that the story discussions are presently going on.
The film is said to be made with a whooping budget of 40 crores. It is expected to release both in Telugu and Tamil versions simultaneously. It is reported that Anushka has given bulk dates for the film. However, formal announcement is yet to be made.
Meanwhile, Anushka is working for Nagarjuna’s film titled ‘Dhamarukam’ which is being directed by Srinivas Reddy. Also, she is doing in Tamil Remake of ‘Vedam’ directed by Krish.
Source : Cinehour