Says a source, “Hrithik and Priyanka don’t believe in half-measures. If they’ve to convey intense feelings and passion they will go the whole hog in Agneepath. If in Krissh they romanced innocently keeping the kids in mind, their togetherness in Agneepath will be for Adults only.”
The camaraderie between Hrithik and Priyanka is so palpable that Karan Johar gets a sense of deja vu. As a child on his father Yash Johar’s sets of Agneepath in 1990 Amitabh Bachchan and Madhavi shared the same easygoing bum-chum bantering and witty vibes as Priyanka and Hrithik.
Says a source, “Karan was just a teenager when his father had produced the original Agneepath. He still remembers the fantastic rapport between Mr Bachchan and Madhavi.
That relationship, Karan and his Agneepath remake’s director Karan Malhotra felt, needed to be developed. The Hrithik-Priyanka bonding in the new Agneepath will build on the relationship that Karan had seen between Mr Bachchan and Madhavi in the original Agneepath.The love story would be the core of the film.”
When asked about the Hrithik-Priyanka rapport Karan Johar said, “All I can tell you at the moment is that Priyanka is not playing a nurse like Madhavi in the original and she is NOT playing prostitute either.
Yes we’ve built on the original relationship between Amit Uncle and Madhaviji.
The new Agneepath is first and foremost an intense love story. There was love between Priyanka and Hrithik in Krissh. But here we want an unparalleled intensity between them. You’ve never seen Priyanka and Hrithik get so intense with anyone before.”
Source : Santabanta