Halloween Special

Il duello: Stefano vs. Mario

Quale dei due riuscirà ad ottenere il punteggio più elevato? La scelta spetta a Voi, semplicemente cliccando sul relativo quadratino nel box giallo qui sotto! ;)
Il duello: Daniele vs. Giuseppe

Diventa sempre più difficile giudicare quale dei due merita maggiormente il Vostro preziosissimo voto ma la scelta sta, come sempre, a Voi. Votate bene, mi raccomando! ;)
Katrina Kaif Kissing scandal with Ranbir Kapoor
Katrina Kaif Kissing scandal with Ranbir Kapoor
katrina kaif kisses
Emotional Katrina Kaif misses her father’s love
Katrina Kaif ’s father not in touch with her and she certainly misses her father’s love and affection, Katrina Kaif has six sisters – three older and three younger.She also has a brother, a professional skier and rock climber and this childrens care taken by her mother and bought up who is a Harvard graduate and successful lawyer and her parents separated when we they very young.
They were raised by her mother who did a wonderful job. Katrina Kaif’s father who was from the decent and comes from a good family and they went their own ways because of issues which are personal for the Katrina and for her family members but instead of complaining, Katrina feels grateful for all the other things she have while her father will never come back.
Il duello: Patrizio vs. Daniele

Chi la spunterà questa volta? Votate, come sempre, utilizzando il box giallo qui sotto! In bocca al lupo ad entrambi! ;)
Katrina shares sizzling chemistry with co-stars
Pune, (ANI): Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif hails energy level of his co-star Ranbir Kapoor on the sets of their much-awaited film Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani (APKGK). After delivering some serious films, director Rajkumar Santoshi is all set to provide the audience with a breather with his upcoming romantic comedy APKGK. With a title that is too long, and quite unlike a typical Bollywood name, the forthcoming movie has already made its presence felt.
And the other thing making news is on-screen chemistry seen in promos and off-screen chemistry seen in media briefings between actor Kaif and Kapoor. The actors have been paired for the first time for this romantic comedy. Kaif while talking to reporters at a promotional event here on Friday said that they gelled well with each other because of their similar working style of keeping the energy flowing on the film set.
Kaif recalled the entertainment on the sets of the film and said that when the filmmaker is passionate then the energy level on the sets is much better. "In this film Ajab, baseball I think it was. Baseball in between every shot we have like cameraman assistants and the lighting guys and every one together playing baseball. I think I was wearing some weighing dress but still I managed to play. It's just the matter of wanting to be on the film set. If you are working with someone who wants to be there and then passionate about making films because that's what they love doing, then the energy is so much better."
The film is a romantic tale of two youngsters, Prem and Jennifer, played by Kapoor and Kaif. Shot in Ooty, Goa, Mumbai and Turkey Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani is slated to release on November 6.
Matt Schiermeier

Lascio a Voi decidere da quale punto di vista apprezzare il bel Matt, quale sport Vi sembra più indicato per lui o quale foto giudicate sia riuscita meglio. Io Vi auguro una buona visione e un fantastico fine settimana! ;)
Deepika Padukone & Katrina Kaif scuffle
Mumbai: The two hot babes of Bollywood are not taking up arms against each other. The recent stories of Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina affair had hit the tabloids during the shoot of Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani.
This is making Deepika insecure and she blames Katrina for the rumors. Katrina herself claimed that she shares good chemistry with the Kapoor boy and she is very’comfortable’ working with him. Katrina even went on to say they have similar visions about films.
Deepika’s association with Farhan Akhtar is also seen with a questionable eye by the media and she blames Katrina to spread such things to spoil her relation with Ranbir.
According to a source close to Kat “What can she possibly get by spreading stories about Deepika? She is not the sort of person to resort to mud-slinging. Someone is creating a misunderstanding between them.”
Il duello: Matteo vs. Patrick

Come sempre lascio a Voi la possibilità di esprimere il Vostro giudizio utilizzando l'apposito box qui sotto. Buona giornata a tutti e... al prossimo duello! ;)
Il duello: Mihail vs. Feliciano

Come sempre siete Voi che dovete scegliere il Vostro preferito utilizzandro il riquadro giallo qui sotto. Buona votazione e buon inizio di settimana! ;)
Mas Fotos de Brenda Lynn Jordan y el concurso Reina de la Caña 2009
Mas Fotos de Brenda Lynn Jordan y el concurso Reina de la Caña 2009
A poco de su participación en el concurso de belleza denomina Reina Nacional de la Caña 2009, a continuación tienen una fotito más de la modelo y conductora de televisión Brenda Lynn Jordan.
A ver que les parece.
Siete serán las candidatas que buscan la corona del mencionado certamen de belleza y respecto a Brenda Lynn Jordan, uno de los aspectos que resaltó la prensa en los últimos días fué su no asistencia a la toma de medidas para el concurso. Habrá que esperar los resultados.

Lars Burmeister

La notorietà mondiale la raggiungerà nella primavera del 2005 grazie alla campagna pubblicitaria per un profumo di Hugo Boss ma poi arriveranno D&G, Versace, Valentino e Armani.
Ora la sua carriera è nel pieno del successo, partecipa a sfilate in tutto il mondo ed è protagonista delle più disparate campagne pubblicitare. Naturalmente... con un viso come il suo! ;)
Con Lars auguro a tutti Voi un fantastico fine settimana! Buon divertimento!
Il duello: Sandro vs. Marco

Potete esprimere il Vostro giudizio utilizzando l'apposito box qui sotto. Il punteggio che otterranno sarà utile a ciascuno di loro per guadagnare preziose posizioni in classifica. Buona votazione e buona giornata a tutti! ;)
¿Fotos de Silvina Luna desnuda?
¿Quién es Silvina Luna?
Su nombre completo es Silvina Noelia Luna, es una modelo, vedette y actriz argentina que nació un 21 de junio de 1980 en Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina.
La bella argentina tiene orígenes griegos e italianos. Después de finalizar sus estudios secundarios, a la edad de 17 años, se mudó a la ciudad de Buenos Aires para estudiar teatro y trabajó como recepcionista, promotora y modelo.
Posteriormente se traslado a Miami donde vivió durante varios meses junto a una amiga.A su regreso a Argentina, en el 2001, es elegida para participar del reality show Gran hermano, donde se convierte en uno de los participantes de mayor popularidad.
En 2006 participó en el segmento del programa Showmatch de Canal 13 (conducido por Marcelo Tinelli) llamado Bailando por un sueño (la segunda edición de éste).
Estuvo en la portada de la revista argentina Maxim y de la revista española Interviú. Tiene un tatuaje en su hombro izquierdo.
Se hizo una cirugía en 2002 para aumentar el tamaño del busto, y después en 2006, para reducirlo otra vez.
En la actualidad se puede ver a la exuberante modelo y actriz en su participación en el segmento denominado “el musical de tus sueños” en el conocido programa de la televisión argentina Showmatch.
Entre sus participaciones en teatro se tiene:
- Vedettisima (2008-2009)
- Más que amigos (2008)
- El champagne las pone mimosas (2005)
- Diferente (2003)
- La noche de las pistolas frías (2002)
Entre sus participaciones en televisión se tiene:
- El musical de tus sueños (2009)
- El Capo (2007)
- Bailando por un sueño 2 (2006)
- Gladiadores de Pompeya (2006)
- Casados con hijos (2005)
- Amor en custodia (2005)
- ¿Quién es el jefe? (2005)
- El patrón de la vereda (2005)
- No hay 2 sin 3 (2004)
- Los Roldán (2004)
- La peluquería (2003)
- Gran hermano (2001) (Participante)
Respecto a si hay fotos de la modelo desnuda, pues la respuesta es que si (aunque nada exagerado), pues poso para la revista playboy como muchas otras modelos (algunas fotos se pueden encontrar en la red).
Y para los que no la conocen, pues abajo tienen unas fotos de Silvina Luna, claro que no esta desnuda.